Lawton community members engage in race relations conversation

by Deina Jules

LAWTON, Okla. – United Way and community leaders hosted an anti-racism conversation.

The conversation at the Owens Center helped answer questions and educate individuals about racism in Lawton and the greater community.

The discussion addressed seven key points where racism still lives today such as employment, education, housing criminal justice, wealth and health care.

Community leaders from every race showed up to discuss potential boundaries in Lawton and what they could do to make it a little better.

”We have some community members here who are members in title and we have community members here who are leaders in action, people that are looked up to by fellow community members and we are trying to bridge the gap between people who are having experiences that others haven’t but maybe haven’t had an opportunity to voice those experiences, to share those experiences,” said Frank Myers, who organized this conversation.

Myers says this community conversation was the first of three conversations planned to address racism in the community. The next event will stem off of concerns raised at this one.

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