The Biggest Problem With Self-Proclaimed Sportsmen

by Deina Jules

LAWTON, Okla – If there’s one thing I enjoy the most about living in Lawton, it’s being so close to so many good outdoorsman options. I really like fishing. Not the kind of big-forehead neanderthal catfish angling where you toss a sponge hook out dipped in dog vomit, I mean real fishing. Bass in every variety, saugeye when you find them, and panfish when you need a quick win. The Wichita Mountains have a few good lakes, Lake Elmer Thomas is killer, and Lawtonka produces both trophy large and smallmouth bass. Mix in the options for hunting the big game like delicious elk and massive bison, Lawton really is a sportsmans paradise… but we’re talking about the fishing.

Almost every weekend during the not-freezing-cold months, the banks of every lake and pond seem to be lined with all sorts of anglers. The little kids getting their first taste of setting hooks all the way up to the “professional” yuppies that are convinced fish are magically attracted to $100k boats. But no matter their skill level or tax bracket they fall into, most of them seem to have one thing in common. Litter.


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