Get Ready for Park-O-Treat at Elmer Thomas Park

by Deina Jules

LAWTON, Okla. – This year the kids will get twice the candy for Halloween! Get ready for the 1st Annual Park-O-Treat brought to you by Ellipsis. The event will take place at Elmer Thomas Park on Halloween night Saturday, October 31st 2020 (10-31-20) from 4:00pm until 6:00pm. Park-O-Treat at Elmer Thomas Park is FREE family event.

Everyone’s encouraged to come out, especially the kids for trick-or-treat at the park. Vendors and candy stations will be set up along the pathway and will be handing out candy to the kids and the kids at heart. The best part is Park-O-Treat is from 4:00pm to 6:00pm and the official trick-or-treating hours for Lawton are from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. That means you can do both! Come out to the park, then hit the neighborhoods later.

If you’re interested in volunteering or handing out candy at Park-O-Treat contact details are below on the official event flier. You can also check out the Ellipsis Facebook Group and the Park-O-Treat Event page for more information. They could always use some more help, so the more the merrier!

So what is Ellipsis? The group’s name comes from the meaning of the word ellipsis. An ellipsis (…) is the series of periods, usually three at the end of a sentence or paragraph. It means that there’s more to be said or done. That’s where the name comes from. Here’s a little bit about Ellipsis from their official Facebook page:

Just like “…” (an ellipsis) at the end of a sentence means there’s always something more to say, we believe there’s always something more to do to help people & animals through random acts of kindness, events, volunteering, positive posts, etc.

With good intent to spread love, kindness, compassion, encouragement, and good cheer to other humans and animals through random acts of kindness, volunteer opportunities with other entities, participating in community events, and through hosting events/opportunities planned and implemented within this group. We might not be able to save the world, but we can make a difference… …MAKE A DIFFERENCE…

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